Visualization application description ================================================== 1. Introduction ================================================== This program is intended to visualize following data formats: a. Native femapp data - FEM used in "Femapp" program written by Piotr Tauzowski. b. gmsh format - used as output (result) formats in multiscale analysis. c. *.atm format - representing atoms loaction in space/plane. ================================================== 2. Users guide: ================================================== 2.0 Installing ---------------- Unpack the contents into one directory. All *.dlls should reside in the same directory as the *.exe file 2.1 Loading data ---------------- After opening the program main window user can load either molecule data (*.atm) by choosing "File/Load Molecules" menu item or Fem data - by "File/Load FEM" menu item. When loading Fem data, there are 3 possiblities - native femapp format, gmsh format, or ntl patran format. Warning - Selecting one of them (from combo box placed at the bootom of the open file dialog ) does not change file extension filter - this should be done manually ! To load another fem model, user need not to restart application - choosing "Load Fem" once more simply unloads the currently loaded model and loads the next. This is not the case for loaded molecules, however. Errors occuring in fem data loading shouild not crash the application - after displaying the message, program is ready to give the user another chance. 2.2 Solving ---------------- Gmsh formats are assumed to contain fully solved model - there is no possibility to solve them. Femapp format, contrarily, contain only unsolved model, user can select Solve menu to solve it. After solving, several new display objects appear in the graphic window: a) legend b) displacement arrows c) internal contours d) banded surface contours They are related to displacement field. Arrows represent vector field of displacement, legend, contours, banded surface contours show displacement magnintude scalar field. Warning (bug) : For the first time, scalar bar legend may be fully red! To overcome this, drag it very slightly with mouse. 2.3 Viewing ---------------- Main graphic viewport: user can a) rotate (left button) b) move (middle button) c) zoom (right button or wheel) model with mouse There is dockable panel at the left side of the program window, containing list of all visible objects. These objects may be turnded off/on by the appriopriate checkbox placed just by their names. If the user selects an object in the list, all its adjustable properties controlling its view are available in the panel just below the list. Reset camera button - acts for selected object. Use depth peeling - use verey advanced OpenGL technique to render translucent object, giving results resembling ray tracing. To adjust quality/speed use occlusion ratio : 0 = best quality but slow, 1 = without depth peeling - fast but ugly 2.4 Clipped view ------------------------- By selecting "Tools/Make clipping plane" user can look inside the 3D model Special controllable widget occurs, where user can manipulate clipping plane by mouse. 2.5 Fem model summary ------------------------- This panel contains textual representation of fem data. ================================================== 3. Example files ================================================== There are some example files attached to the program. beam.txt - femapp format, data for cantilever beam. PT1EN.txt - femapp format, simplest possible data - one element only gmsh1.msh - gmsh format, macroscale model of human bone gmsh_epsx.msh - gmsh format, microscale model of human bone gmsh.msh - gmsh format, very simple example from gmsh documentation slip.atm - atoms data example DISCLAIMER Use the program on "as is" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.